About me

I am a first-year Master student in Artificial Intelligence at Institute of Data and Information, Tsinghua University, under the supervision of Prof. Xiu Li. Previously, I received my B.Eng in Software Engineering at School of Computer and Information Science & School of Software Engineering, Southwest University in 2024.

My research interests include Robotics, Low-level Vision and Camouflaged Object Detection/Segmentation. Feel free to contact me by email if you are interested in discussing or collaborating with me.

Email:   chengyufang.thu[at]gmail.com


(† Equal contribution, * Corresponding author)

Real-world Image Dehazing with Coherence-based Label Generator and Cooperative Unfolding Network[Paper] [Code]

Chenyu Fang†, Chunming He†, Fengyang Xiao, Yulun Zhang*, Longxiang Tang, Yuelin Zhang, Kai Li, and Xiu Li*, arXiv 2024

Reti-Diff: Illumination Degradation Image Restoration with Retinex-based Latent Diffusion Model[Paper] [Code]

Chunming He†, Chenyu Fang†, Yulun Zhang*, Kai Li, Longxiang Tang, Chengyu You, Fengyang Xiao, Zhenhua Guo and Xiu Li*, arXiv 2023

A Survey of Camouflaged Object Detection and Beyond [Paper] [Awesome Repository]

Fengyang Xiao†, Sujie Hu†, Yuqi Shen, Chengyu Fang, Jinfa Huang, Chunming He*, Longxiang Tang, Ziyun Yang, Xiu Li*, arXiv 2024

Diffusion Models in Low-Level Vision: A Survey [Paper] [Awesome Repository]

Chunming He†*, Yuqi Shen†, Chengyu Fang†, Fengyang Xiao, Longxiang Tang, Yulun Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo, Zhenhua Guo, Xiu Li*, arXiv 2024

A Unified Framework for Microscopy Defocus Deblur with Multi-Pyramid Transformer and Contrastive Learning[Paper] [Code]

Yuelin Zhang, Pengyu Zheng, Wanquan Yan, Chengyu Fang, Shing Shin Cheng*, CVPR 2024

Joint Geometric-Semantic Driven Character Line Drawing Generation[Paper] [Code]

Chengyu Fang, Xianfeng Han*, ICMR 2023

Selected Projects

LabelGo GIF

LabelGo - YOLOv5 Semi-automatic Annotation Tool

2021 | My open source project, 447 Star harvested.
Semi-automated image annotation using the YOLOv5 model.[Github]


Robomaster Robots development

Now | Developed with GKD Robotics Innovation Laboratory.
My team and I have completed the development of mechanical, electrical and vision algorithms for a variety of robots for the Robomaster robotics competition.[video]

Selected Awards and Honors

Competition is my life!😎
All of these competitions are recognised by the Chinese Ministry of Education as "high level academic competitions".🀫

Education Experience

Tsinghua University, China | Sept 2024 - Jun 2027
Institute of Data and Information
Master of Engineering in Artificial Intelligence

Southwest University, China | Sept 2020 - Jun 2024
School of Computer and Information Science & School of Software
B.Eng in Software Engineering

Academic Experience

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China | Jul 2023
Institute of Automation
Summer School Student (TOP100)

Tsinghua University, China | Jul 2023 - Present
Institute of Data and Information
Research Assistant


Collaborators and Friends

Chunming He@Duke University, Longxiang Tang@Tsinghua University, Yuelin Zhang@CUHK